Finally! It has arrived! It took me some time, but here is the new HackBar plugin.
Actually.. I finished it a month ago, but the Mozilla testers are very busy at the moment so, my plugin is still being tested.. They are doing a great job! But i decided to release it here for the people who need this plugin to work in FF3 (I had loads of mail and comments, thanx!)
Download version 1.3.2 here!
Please leave a comment if you like the new version!
New features:
- Added POST data manipulation (yay!)
- Added Referrer string manipulation
- Fixed tab-behavior
- Show / Hide hot key [F9]
- Show / Hide tools menu item
- Show / Hide toolbar button
- Code revision (again)
- New layout, for more menus and buttons
- Added SHA-1 and SHA-256 encryption
- Added ROT13.. (request :)
- Added Hex +1 and -1 buttons
- Added a bunch of useful SQL injection strings and tricks
- Added a bunch of useful XSS strings and tricks
- Added add/stripslashes
- .. and a few small things and fixes

New look and feel

More stuff! In drop-down menus

More of everything! (More encryptions (sha1/2))

Edit post data on the fly!
Have fun!
Great news! But, ah, FF3 tells me it's an invalid package :(
thx for this release ;)
I'm using FF3 and I can't see the functions bar:
this is a screen:
Try downloading it to your desktop and dragging in into your firefox window. Blogger does not allow met to add a proper XPI download link..
I haven't seen that bug yet, could you try to install it in a new firefox profile and see if that helps?
You can start firefox with:
firefox -profilemanager
To create a new profile, TNX!
I created a new profile and there is the same bug ...
This screenshot shows all the informations in my opinion:
so far, so good!
thanks for this release!
Is it so good to use? Who give me a advice.
Awesome updates, Thanks for the new release!
After restarting the plugin firefox showing error (Javascript alert) "There is no forms" and plugin is not works, please can you fix that?
PS: Sorry for my bad english
Awesome work, thanks for sharing! Along with Firebug and Webdeveloper plugins I have everything I need!
Thanks for the time you've put into this :)
@Щур Сергей
I dont think hackbar is triggering that alert box.. Could it be another plugin you are using? What plugins do u use next to Hackbar?
I use: "Better Gmail 2", "Chat Zilla", "Firebug", "Firecookie", "Web developer" etc. But only with "Hack bar" i get this error.
Some extensions at other people also cause an error —
I tried to disable other plugins but in any case error pops up if hakbar installed.
I use Firefox 3, russian language.
I found that bug. Hack bar come into conflict with "Un Hide fields" extension. After i delete "Un Hide fields" everything was fine. Thank for trying to help me.
Best regards, Sergy.
Do you have an idea to correct the function bar bug on Mac OS X?
I don't have OS X on my home computer, but Monday i will have a look at it on a colleagues Mac. I will let you know ;)
Great work! Thanks for addon!
Some news :) ?
tnx! awesome!
Very good! Thanks!
Surfing pr0n will never be the same again without this handy URL counter modifier.. :)
awsome tool.. could you add 0xHEX encoding?
Sorry it took me so long, i had a lot to do this week. I have tested it on a friends mac, and the result is the same. No toolbar! Damn.. :) I will fix it asap (my vacation is coming up, i hope i can release a new version before i leave)
Thanks for the bug report! ;)
bug found:
1)enter the link
2)open hackbar and click "load url"
3)click "execute".
expected behavior the initial link shoud be exacly the same as the link after "execute" has been clicked
the resulted link is:
Thx a lot ;)
after upgrading (both FF 3 & hackbar)this is not getting visible. any way to see what's error ?
I have following plugins installed:
color zilla, bookmarks, download statusbar,FireBug,FireShot, Fox Clock, google toolbar,measure it, Selenium IDE, server spy, Show IP, Tamper Data,web developer
Base64 Decode works not
@ person above, yes it does work.
This new version is awesome and better than ever. It would be cool if you could add whois lookup and reverse ip lookup:
Hi all. Sorry for not replying to any comments or emails the last few weeks. I was traveling and hat little to no time to read my e-mail. I will continue my work on the new version asap. This new version will include the following:
- The OSX toolbar bug (its not showing up)
- The space to + and/or %20 bug (tnx websecure!)
- Tab management still seems a bit wobbly
- HEX character encoding and decoding in the following formats:
1: 00ff00ff00
2: 00 ff 00 ff 00
3: 00:ff:00:ff:00
- The domain/WHOIS lookup feature might be added. It is a very good idea, but a bit out of the hackbar scope.. i will think about it. If i add this feature, a MD5 reverse lookup feature might also be added (using online sources of course)
Any more feature requests and bugreports my be send to: or posted as a comment here.
Thanks for all your reactions!
A new version is a nice news :)
I suggest to add 2 buttons:
[+] String
[-] String
(like [+] and [-] for INT and HEX)
Indeed, when we are exploiting a SQL injection it could be usefull to increment a letter.
Thx and HF ;)
Hi, thanks for your work this is a wonderful extension. Keeping the fingers crossed concerning the Mac OS X bug...
You will get alot more on
it doesn't work in FF 3.0.1,
tested under Ubuntu 8.04 English & WindowsXP Pro SP3 Czech / English
New clean instalation of FF 3.0.1
Instalation of xpi package is ok, after that, i allowed Hackbar, but nothing changed, i cant't see anything...
it doesn't work in FF 3.0.1,
tested under Ubuntu 8.04 English & WindowsXP Pro SP3 Czech / English
New clean instalation of FF 3.0.1
Instalation of xpi package is ok, after that, i allowed Hackbar, but nothing changed, i cant't see anything...
For me, it seems to work with Iceweasel (Debian unstable) but not with Firefox 3.0.1 under Windows (the toolbar does not appear when I activate F9 or the Tools/Show hide hackbar menu).
Great job !
Thanks for the great Job :)
It would be wonderful if Hackbar gave possibilities to modify cookies.
Thanks again !
some news about the release of the new version :) ?
Yes, I the new version! (as a beta) You can get it here!
It does not show up when I activate F9 or the Tools/Show hide hackbar menu. I use FF3 and Linux.
Hello, i think that this post is very good, i would like to read more about it
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